Saving Money In The Weirdest Way
We’ve all heard your parents say, “Save 10% of all of your earnings for investment, retirement addition or just for a raining day fund”. How do you do that when you need every penny? Well, playing with your physique on this one. I will share with you my secret to making putting away a little and not be as tempted to dive into it. I do this from time to time and it works fairly well.
1. Grab a Container (So far it sounds easy right?)
2. Go to your local bank and ask for a percentage of you earnings in presidential $1.00 coins.
3. Once you get over the embarrassment of asking for the coins go home and place them in your container.
That’s it! I know what your thinking….that is so lame because it is simple, but humans by nature have a collectors spirit. As you look at the container filling up you become attached to these coins as a collection it is hard to think of parting with them. Don’t ask me why it works …but it is a very good deterrent to spend it automatically.
There is one other reason why it is a bit harder to spend it on a whim…it is because it is a “weird” currency…one that is not used as much, and I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to haul and pay someone in all presidential coins like some kind of freak. Oh, and did I tell you humans are quite lazy to boot. Who would want to make any extra trip to the bank to exchange them?
For these reasons it makes it harder to spend them.
I would dare you to try it for 3 months…(I bet you end up saving these little coins for a whole year).
See how much you can save just by this one simple trick.